Hello World! Wait, no, at this point, I should probably write a motivational text about why I started this blog. But I won’t. I just want to play around with this blog and see how it works. I will probably write a proper post later.
So. What is this blog about? Experiments.
Experiments? Yes. I want to try out new things, learn new technology, and write about it. If any of the blog posts here are useful to anyone, it was worth it. If not, it was still worth it because I learned something new.
So that’s my philosophy. Let’s also tackle some project ideas I have in mind:
I’m currently working on Noted, an open-source note-taking app. I’ll probably write about it and the challenges I face here.
Some kind of binary exploitation would be fun! I’ve never done it before, but I’m interested in it.
Game development. I’ve been interested in it for a long time, but I never really got into it. I want to change that. Some time.
3D + Web. I think it’s really cool that you can do 3D stuff in the browser, so I want to build something with it.
OS Development using Rust. I’ve been following a tutorial by Philipp Oppermann for a while now, but I haven’t really got anything new for a blog post that Phillip hasn’t already covered.
It sometimes happens, that I build another programming language. If I do, there’ll be a blog post about it, I promise.
So, you can see that I have a lot of ideas. I’ll probably never get to all of them, and there’ll also be new ideas. But that’s fine with me! At the time of writing this, I’m a pupil on a german school, so I have a lot of time to just play around with many different things. The more, the merrier!
So now, finally, I can say: Hello World!